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B'z - Perfect Life PV
Posted by Kumama on 2009-02-22
We here at Mognet are huge B'z fans, as you may know. So it's only proper that we have more of their great catalogue of releases for our PV section! We're starting to remedy that situation today by releasing "Perfect Life", which wasn't a single but a track from their most recent "Action" album. Plus it has creepy clowns and other circus folk! Yay? Read more

Jyukai - anata ga ita mori PV
Posted by Kumama on 2009-02-21
Our newest PV release today features a group you may not have heard of, unless you're an avid follower of anime music. Still, even if you're not a fan of "Fate Stay Night", "anata ga ita mori" is definitely worth checking out! The dreamy, peaceful feeling of the song makes it a perfect anime ending theme (one of my favourites, in fact!). Also, I wish I had a magical forest in my living room. That is all. Read more

Ketsumeishi - fuyu monogatari PV
Posted by Kumama on 2009-02-20
Have you been having any of those winter days lately where you just want to curl up in bed and stay all day? With how cold and snowy it's been here the last month or two I've had a lot of those days. The couple in our newest PV release, Ketsumeishi's "fuyu monogatari" seem to have quite a few ideas of what to do on days like that! Let's all take a tip from them! Read more

Kick The Can Crew - Toriiiiico! PV re-release
Posted by Kumama on 2009-02-19
Long ago in the infancy of the Mognet PV releases, we had a great example of Japanese Rap called "Toriiiico!" Well since it's winter time and we're feeling nostalgic, we decided to dig it up and update it, with new effects and a DVD source! For you newer Mognet PV fans or those not familiar with Kick The Can Crew, you really should check this out! It's a fantastic rap song with plenty of fun, snow spitting and crotch grabbing to be had for all! Read more

Nakashima Mika - yuki no hana PV
Posted by Kumama on 2009-02-19
So if you're anything like me (and live somewhere significantly above the equator), you're probably pretty fed up with winter right about now. Let's hope you don't have a case of cabin fever like Nakashima Mika appears to in our newest PV release, "yuki no hana"! She's alternating between freezing herself for future generations to find a cure for her anorexia and dressing in cheap wedding decorations. Think I'm joking? Check it out! Read more

Ellegarden - Santa Claus (Live)!
Posted by Kumama on 2008-12-29
Let's keep the holiday season going! Hey, if the retailers insist on still playing irritating Christmas carols until New Years then we can release a holiday song today! No one argues with extra presents a bit late, now do they? This also serves as the landmark first release in our "Concerts" section! Hope you enjoy this and the releases to come! Read more

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Yoshii Kazuya - bakka PV

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L'arc~en~Ciel - Hurry Xmas PV

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RSP - Lifetime Respect -Onna Version- PV
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