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Videos:  514
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Mognet IRC Information

Join us at #mognet on!
We hope to see you over on our IRC channel! We're a friendly little bunch and offer everything from the occasional early IRC release to translation and general advice! There's also a lot of weird licking that goes on, but that's mostly because of Shindou-kun. Hope to see you there!

XDCC Downloads
Thanks to sioc and Sars fansubs, we are now again offering XDCC downloads of our drama releases! You can find all the pack information below. Remember, we're always looking for bots and fserves, so if you want to stop by and help us out that would be great! Just message Kumama or Stiltzkin if you need more information.

If you enjoy our great releases, maybe you'll consider donating! We're always working to bring you the best quality releases possible, so any offsets of our costs would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for choosing Mognet!

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Yoshii Kazuya - bakka PV

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L'arc~en~Ciel - Hurry Xmas PV

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RSP - Lifetime Respect -Onna Version- PV
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m-flo loves Lisa random bottom bar