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Jero - umiyuki Enka PV
Posted by Kumama on 2008-10-31
Now this is a story, all about how Jero's life got flipped- turned upside down! And I'd like to take a minute, just sit right there, and tell you how he became the prince of a genre called Enka! Ok all kidding aside, the resemblance between Jero in "umiyuki" and Will Smith in "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" just cannot be denied. Either you love him or you hate him, but either way our next release today is the "Nu-Enka" smash hit! We Mognet staffers just love to hate him, but his popularity in Japan definitely cannot be denied! Enjoy!
Download the PV via bittorrent, and don't blame me if a certain TV theme song gets stuck in your head! God Jero, get a new stylist.
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