Romaji Title: ii hi tabidachi nishi e
Kanji Title: いい日旅立ち・西へ
English Title: Setting off on a Trip on a Nice Day, To the West
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Lyrics & Music : Tanimura Shinji
| 作詞・作曲:谷村新司
The far away island waves
The rust colored calm sea
The sepia colored clouds flow, where are they going?
That time that I followed the silhouette of a fox
Now, holding my dreams to my chest, I'll go west
Ah, somewhere in Japan
There is someone waiting for me
Setting off on a trip on a nice day, once again in the wind
The song from that day, that I can now hear again, is my companion
The light from fireflys, is that the light of the bonfire from a far away day?
The scenery that I can see slightly, is it a haze from the heat?
When I trust meetings and partings to the twilight
Searching for my shadow, I'll go west
Ah, somewhere in Japan
There is someone waiting for me
Setting off on a trip on a nice day, once again in the wind
The song from that day, that I can now hear again, is my companion
Ah, somewhere in Japan
There is someone waiting for me
Setting off on a trip on a nice day
My yearning is in the wind
The song from that day, that I can now hear again, is my companion