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Matsuura Aya

Romaji Title: sougen no hito
Kanji Title: 草原の人
English Title: Person Of The Prairie

English CreditsKanji Credits
Lyrics: Katou Kazue Music: tsunku Arrangement: Suzuki Daichi Hideyuki
Strings Arrangement: Gen Ittetsu
作詞:加藤和枝 作曲:つんく 編曲:鈴木Daichi秀行 ストリングスアレンジ:

The reference to linked pinkies signifies a promise between two people.

Let's shout at the clouds, white and flowing
My youthful heart
Memories of my first love
Your pinky linked steadfastly with mine
You vanished with this wind
Ah, my dear boy of the prairie

"Becoming an hard"

In my heart that's burning red
Forever, this flower
Memories of my first love
Black hair fluttering, and you laughing
You sadly disappeared with that dream
Ah, my dear boy of the prairie

"I'm an adult!! I won't cry again..."

Let's go across the rainbow bridge
This dream of seven colors
Memories of my first love
I can't forget you who I love
You're looking at me from somewhere in the sky!!
Ah, my dear boy of the prairie

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