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Malice Mizer

Romaji Title: Transylvania
Kanji Title: transylvania ~トランシルヴァニア~
English Title: Transylvania

English CreditsKanji Credits
Lyrics : Gackt / music : mana lyrics : Gackt / music : mana

Gackt used the kanji for "toiki" when singing "tameiki", which is fine because they both mean the same thing anyway. He also used the kanji for "eien" in when singing "towa". Once again, they both mean the same thing. Those were just some interesting little tidbits. The lyrics to this were written in a very strange fashion in the booklet, as you may have noticed. The chorus is everything after "drink from me and live forever" which in the translation appears only at the bottom. Of course it is repeated throughout the song. The verses are all above it in the translation.

To escape profound sadness, I invited death onto myself
But that was a big mistake, all I wanted was peace

While listening to your pulse with my hand
I find peace in your sigh that has changed to silence

I said goodbye to the sunlight, and was reborn
I cried upon seeing the beauty of the night for the first time
And when I woke up from a deep sleep, you were standing next to me

The temptation of eternity, felt but once
Now lures me into a deep, far away, long, sweet kiss

This the song the person I loved enjoyed
It's been a long time since I've heard it
She left me all alone
Let me hear her voice once more...once more...

"Drink from me and live forever"

In order to grasp hold of a new, never ending world
Everything that you mumur has no meaning

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