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Romaji Title: kibou no honoo
Kanji Title: 希望の炎
English Title: The Flame Of Hope

English CreditsKanji Credits
Lyrics & Music : KREVA 作詞・作曲:KREVA

That's right, I'm the worst kind of person, it's alright to write about what's real
When I write, everyone gets upset; So right now, I'm going to endure it carefully
I can't make it big, I can't, which is it? Truthfully, I don't think those things
If this is your kind of thing, then have a listen, to the worst and best musical idiots
I naturally do things my own way, you know that
What are you waiting for? Hey, light the fire

The flame of hope is wavering somewhere
Yesterday and today, it wavers in my heart

That's right, I'm the worst kind of person; whatever the case, it's alright to cry
When I cry, I surprise everyone; So right now, I'm going to endure it carefully
I'm stopping, I'm not stopping, I'll make you, I won't; I won't change the channel that I chose
I don't know the meaning, being en-route to retirement is a weakness; reduced to ashes, I dance in the air
It's still a challenge, hoist your spirit up
I stretch my legs out all day, light the fire

The flame of hope is wavering somewhere
Yesterday and today, it wavers in my heart

The flame of hope is wavering somewhere
Yesterday and today, it wavers in my heart

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