Romaji Title: Love Is...
Kanji Title: Love Is...
English Title: Love Is...
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Lyrics : Kawamura Ryuuichi, Yoshida Michiko Music : Yoshida Michiko Arrangement: Dokata Takayuki
| 詞 河村隆一、吉田美智子 曲 吉田美智子 編曲 上方隆行
For those of you who don't know this song... this is quite possibly the single sappiest song ever written. If you don't believe me, download the MP3 or the video. I'm not kidding. Ryuichi is a master of the REALLY sappy love song, I have to give him that much credit. I've heard he's a big womanizer too... do you suppose he writes these songs to impress the girls? My money is on yes, kupo!
You are my are my treasure
I'd give you my whole thing, even if you don't want
Love is my only, love is my treasure
Please close to me more and don't leave me alone
Though you're right in front of me, you don't smile much
Even if unceasing rain beats down on us
It wouldn't wash away the melody I made for you
I'll never leave you, no matter who gets hurt
Stay by my side, until the world breaks apart
Even if my throat were cut out, and this song couldn't reach you
I'd hold you to me, and it would overflow
I beg you, just gaze at me once more
This is certainly a dream that we're having
When we wake up, we'll love each other again
I'll never leave you, no matter who gets hurt
Stay by my side, until the world breaks apart
You are my are my treasure
I'd give you my whole thing, even if you don't want
Love is my is my treasure
Please close to me more and don't leave me alone
Please close to me more and don't leave me alone