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Ishikawa Sayuri

Romaji Title: tsugaru kaikyou - fuyu keshiki
Kanji Title: 津軽海峡・冬景色
English Title: The Tsugaru Straits - Winter Scenery

English CreditsKanji Credits
Lyrics : Aku Yuu
Music : Miki Takashi

The Tsugaru Straits run between the island of Honshuu and Hokkaido in Japan.

From the time that I got off the night train leaving Ueno
Aomori station has been in snow
In the group of people returning home to the north, no one speaks
I listen only to the rumbling of the sea
I board the connecting ferryboat by myself
Gazing at the seagulls that seem to be frozen, I cried
Ah, the Tsugaru Straits, winter scenery

Look, that's Tappizaki Cape, a place to the extreme north
People that I don't know point their fingers
The window glass clouds up with my breath, as I blew on it
But I can only see the far away mist

Goodbye my dear, I'm going home
The sound of the wind shakes my heart, I can only cry
Ah, the Tsugaru Straits, winter scenery

Goodbye my dear, I'm going home
The sound of the wind shakes my heart, I can only cry
Ah, the Tsugaru Straits, winter scenery

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