Romaji Title: suki natsu
Kanji Title: スキナツ
English Title: Summer of Love
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Lyrics & Music : SOFFet & mihimaru GT
| 作詩・作曲:SOFFet & mihimaru GT
Sweet baby, hot body
Hop on beat, this summer ecstasy is dangerous
Waao! Good weather that's off the charts, it's my revival; Go, go UV rays!
The meeting of big midsummer bikinis, cut loose my man!
Deciding to be an actor in a love scene with cutting-edge fashion, that's one zone I haven't experienced yet; Let's go now!
Get sweet money, fruity juicy beach party
Wassup birdy!? Welcome to mens and womens mixed bathing; Hit it! Hit it!
Love somebody! Yearning for love, well done; It burns! It burns!
Love me! Love me! Summer time, yeah, paradise; It's the real thing
I want to be greedy, have a nice time; "Yo, sweet baby" "Hi"
My heart is a floating mermaid
If no one is going to reel it in, then I'll go and catch them; uuuUUUWaaaaaO!
Kissing the sun, piecing out the big waves
"I've fallen too much in love" (I fall in love); Holding nothing back, a lovely island
Don't let this summer day end, rock your body like this until morning
A little bit risque, cut loose, party party
Sweet baby
What are you going to do? Summer is survival, and he who wants to jump the gun is my rival
Using a fundamental brake in temptation systematically
By nature, I'm the type to get carried away; It increases with the number of times that I ride on a plane
Diving into the everlasting summer, I go on a spree; More vibes than usual fly about
Wassup birdy!? It's a pleasant wonderland; Hit it! Hit it!
Is it all for nothing!? A sun shower throughout my body; It burns! It burns!
A bed on the sandy beach, a sniper on the set; Pay attention
A funky boogie-woogie style; "Shall we dance?" "Yeah"
I'm gently burned by your glance
Quit teasing me so well, I'm shivering; uuuUUUWaaaaaO!!
Diving into the sea of love, to the rhythm of the waves
"It's all your fault" (I fall in love); Falling for you, a lovely island
Suddenly blooming, make my day; Quickly scattering, it's painful isn't it? A naked body
A little bit risque, I feel simplistic
A cool breeze envelops me, in order to cool off my cheeks
Summery skin; To you whose heart is pounding, my love, true love
Just a brief daydream, a fleeting story
Baby now it's closing time, for as long as you can
My love, just stay with me
Kissing the sun, piecing out the big waves
"I've fallen too much in love" (I fall in love); Holding nothing back, a lovely island
Don't let this summer day end, rock your body like this until morning
A little bit risque, cut loose, party party