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Romaji Title: Walkmen
Kanji Title: ウォークメン
English Title: Walkmen

English CreditsKanji Credits
Lyrics & Music : FREENOTE

I always extend the rails
Long ones, and short ones
So the place that I want to end up at
Gets furthur away every day

This isn't a very good road
I'm not really advancing on it
Anxiety now shows its face
But I'm scared to stop

I can't grow wings or anything, I can't fly
I can't cross over a rainbow, and time can't be turned back
The truth is always relentless
But I'm going to survive, because this isn't the end

I always thought that this
Is where I wanted to end up
But I knew that there was a more wonderful place to be
So I'm going to keep on going

My hands can't quite reach
I'm just struggling
Anxiety shows its face again
But I don't want to stop

I can't grow wings or anything, I can't fly
I can't cross over a rainbow, and time can't be turned back
Taking a deep breath, I'm going to rush out
With a vigorous effort in my legs
I'm going to walk on, for myself

Fawning a little over the happiness that was in my hand
I'm not prepared to lose it again
But I'm off to a more wonderful place
I'm taking the rails furthur ahead
So that I don't forget a single thing
I'm going to toward what moves me

I can't grow wings or anything, I can't fly
I can't cross over a rainbow, and time can't be turned back
The truth is always relentless
But I know that this isn't the end

The rail isn't going to disappear
I can be gentle, so
I'm going to walk on, for myself

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