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Romaji Title: ever free
Kanji Title: ever free
English Title: ever free

English CreditsKanji Credits
Lyrics & Music : hide

This song features Spread Beaver as Hide's band.

I've forgotten the feeling that I loved to love
So I try asking someone
And they said with a sigh
"How much does love cost?"

I've forgotten the season that I dreamt of in my dreams
So I try asking that girl
When I do, you said with a smile
"Can dreams be eaten?"

When I look upon these days, that are coming to an end
I remember the faded sunny days

The disappearing melodies from the beginning
Where did I lose them?

Your dreams were called nonsensical
And the continuations to them are trembling in your heart
Ever free, your story seems to be collapsing
If you could imagine it, could your dream be seen?

Ever free, where are you free? Ever free

These scattered days
Are just like a broken sun

The disappearing memories from the beginning
Where do they want to go to?

Your freedom was called nonsensical
You're sleeping, with your wings closed
Ever free, piercing through this night
If you wake up, will you be able to fly freely?

Ever free, where are you free? Ever free

FU FU ever free...FU FU ever free...
FU FU ever free...
FU FU ever your sight

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