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Romaji Title: doubutsuen wa taihen da
Kanji Title: 動物園は大変だ
English Title: The Zoo is Terrible

English CreditsKanji Credits
Lyrics : Usui Yoshito
Music : Oda Tetsurou
Arrangement : Akashi Masao

This song was the first opening theme song to the classic anime Crayon Shin Chan. This song also has several puns involving the names of animals. The phrase "hana mizu no shawaa da zou" has the word for "elephant" ("zou") at the end. "urusai yamete kudasai" has the word "sai" (for "rhino") in it twice. And finally, "kaeru no kurooru nya akire kaeru" has "kaeru" ("frog") as the last part of the verb of the sentence.

machi no doubutsuen wa isogashii
zou san kaze hiki
hana mizu no shawaa da zou
kuma san tetsuya de
me ni kuma ga dekita
taihen da sorya taihen da

watashi mo chotto taihen na no yo
aitsu no haato oi kakete

natsu no hizashi wa koi no rizumu na no ni
dou shite na no hitori ja odorenai

natsu no doubutsuen wa isogashii
sai no oshaberi
urusai yamete kudasai
kaeru no kurooru nya akire kaeru
taihen da sorya taihen da

watashi mo chotto taihen na no yo
deeto no yakusoku shita no ni

totsuzen no kyanseru nante
dou shite na no hanashi ga chigau ja nai

machi no doubutsuen wa isogashii
zou san kaze hiki
hana mizu no shawaa da zou
kuma san tetsuya de
me ni kuma ga dekita
taihen da sorya taihen da

natsu no doubutsuen wa isogashii
sai no oshaberi
urusai yamete kudasai
kaeru no kurooru nya akire kaeru
taihen da sorya taihen da

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