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Dir en Grey

Romaji Title: DRAIN AWAY
Kanji Title: DRAIN AWAY
English Title: DRAIN AWAY

English CreditsKanji Credits
Lyrics : Kyo
Music : Die

The line which states "You, who are empty and without color, and your monochrome wounds", has a bit of a double meaning, with the way the kanji was written. The word "saishoku", which is here used as "color", can also mean "wit and beauty". So here, Kyo is making the two of them the same thing as "color".

The pressed flower soaks in nostalgia, in the evening sky
I counted on my fingers, waiting for the day when I would see you, back then

In this wonderful, blue-skyed era, broken dreams
And sadness, endless evidence of my crimes; one night, in which I lose my voice, is spring

Indulging in the evening, beneath the early blooming cherry blossoms
That I saw when it was still cold out, she stood still, but that's an old folktale
Back then, she was lovely, and very beautiful, but in some way
Her face seemed sad, she hid her tears at dusk with her long hair

This place and you, reflect even the colors that I had forgotten
You, who are empty and without color, and your monochrome wounds
In this wonderful, blue-skyed era, broken dreams
And sin are the thing thing that I glimpsed, one night of spring in which corruption sings

The show booth

I saw you when it was cold out, projected in the twilight
Still influenced by people, unable to do anything, large teardrops blooming

The pressed flower soaks in nostalgia, in the evening sky
I counted on my fingers, waiting for the day when I would see you, back then

Behind the booth that the evening shines on, beneath the blooming cherry blossoms
Let the scars that you hide behind your sleeves disappear for now, just for now

In this wonderful, blue-skyed era, broken dreams
And sadness, endless evidence of my crimes; one night, in which I lose my voice, is spring

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