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Dir en Grey

Romaji Title: karasu
Kanji Title: 鴉 -karasu-
English Title: Raven

English CreditsKanji Credits
Lyrics/Kyo Music/Kaoru 詩/京 曲/薫

First of all I would like to note that since this song is from Dir en Grey's "Kisou" album, lyrics were included with the CD already translated into English. I did not copy this translation. This is my interpretation, in my own words. Congenital eczema is a skin disease. That being said, this is one sick song! And
even though Kyo is quite the lyricist, his grammar isn't very good at all.

"kigurumi" does refer to a suit, but more a mascot suit. Think of a bunny suit, or a Mickey Mouse suit, etc. "hikarabite" does not appear to be any form of an existing verb, so I just translated that line as best I could without it.

今宵は春雨 涙と感動のドラマかな?
朝日が照らすと無感の一日が 胚胎

数字が読めないリンダと腐乱して 胎毒

豚小屋徘出マダムと乾涸びて 爛漫

Death Education

Sarcasm One Sided And Rush End Core



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