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Romaji Title: Boyfriend
Kanji Title: ボーイフレンド
English Title: Boyfriend

English CreditsKanji Credits
Lyrics & Music : AIKO

A tetrapot is something that from all that we can tell, is uniquely Japanese. It's a concrete block that is often found in oceans. The water goes over the top of it, flooding it, and then returns back to the ocean. The purpose is so that someone can stand on it, and have water wash over them while still being firmly grounded.

Hurry up and come see me, there are so many things I want to say to you
I don't want to forget about them so much, that I want to get them engraved
I want you to hurry up and come see me, and hold me; everything starts with you
I'm grateful for that, from my heart

When I'm certain that we're going to kiss, I bite my lip, and touch you with my fingers
The rain stops, the stars overflow, and I'm lost in this small room

Ah, I'll climb up onto the tetrapot, look up at the top of it, and kick my shoes off into space
Ah, when you nestle your face against my cheek
Time stops for us
I love you, my boyfriend

I feel like my feelings for you are a "tangible thing"
Because I'm so nervous that my body is shaking

Yesterday was miserable, and right now things are quiet; the world keeps turning today
But tomorrow, I'll probably be thinking about you and singing

Ah, let's push through the big clouds
Above the light that pierces through my eyelashes
Ah, when you make my ears go hot
We can go on like this together
I Love you, my boyfriend

When I'm certain that we're going to kiss, I bite my lip, and touch you with my fingers
The rain stops, the stars overflow, and I'm lost in this small room

Ah, I'll climb up onto the tetrapot, look up at the top of it, and kick my shoes off into space
Ah, when you nestle your face against my cheek
Time stops for us
I love you, my boyfriend

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