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Romaji Title: suki sugite baka mitai
Kanji Title: 好きすぎて バカみたい
English Title: I Love You Too Much, and It's Stupid

English CreditsKanji Credits
Lyrics & Music : Tsunku

Lullaby, the mutal love
That I long for
I want to dream about back then

It's not that
I have a problem with losing
Goodbye, bye bye

A long time ago
You froze my heart

If only I could thaw it on the stove
If only I could go back to then...

I'm not going to cry
It's stupid, it's stupid
Don't touch me

I love you, I love you too much
I don't know what it means
I love you too much, and it's stupid

What is it? What is it?
I should probably go
Goodbye, bye bye

Lullaby, right now
I can do it all over again
Will I sleep until morning?

What a lie! That's it
I won't bother you anymore
Goodbye, bye bye

It's that girl, isn't it?
She's probably a cute girl isn't she?

Stop it with that gentle tone
It's just like it was at the beginning

Walking me home
That's stupid, stupid
I'll go home by myself

I love you, and because I love you
I nodded my head
But I don't want to say goodbye

But that's it
I won't bother you anymore
Goodbye, bye bye

Lullaby, the mutal love
That I long for
I want to dream about back then

It's not that
I have a problem with losing
Goodbye, bye bye

I love you, and because I love you
I nodded my head
But I don't want to say goodbye

But that's it
I won't bother you anymore
Goodbye, bye bye

Lullaby, the mutal love
That I long for
I want to dream about back then

Bye bye, I'm not going to
See you again
But I love you too much, and it's all a lie

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