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Yaida Hitomi

Romaji Title: marble iro no hi
Kanji Title: マーブル色の日
English Title: Marble Colored Day

English CreditsKanji Credits
Lyrics & Music : Yaida Hitomi

This song was used as the ending theme for the movie called "Kyou no dekigoto", which was premiered over spring break at Tokyo International Film Festival , and met with high praise.

In this world I put the most important love into you
That's a marble colored day like I've never seen

That swaying carton is yellow, if it's picked up by the wind it will be green
You add radiance to this marble colored day

We laugh and cry about the same things
So we run into each other, and so it's wonderful

When things don't go well, let's try going at them hand in hand
I think that words are such small things, look

I don't need pretty things
Some day I will part with this fleeting world

The dirty table cloth, a marble colored kiss
The coffee you left on the table this morning, that's gone cold

I don't want any of the most important things in this world to change

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