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Yaida Hitomi

Romaji Title: My Sweet Darlin'
Kanji Title: My Sweet Darlin'
English Title: My Sweet Darlin'

English CreditsKanji Credits
Words and Music by Yaiko
Words and Music by Yaiko

No good to have lots of beautiful things, because I'm scared to lose them
but... I want U I want U I want U even if you love someone else
I don't care if you don't know why the clearsky is blue, but I want you to
know why my cheeks are pink...

Darlin', Darlin' ここに来て 見えるでしょう 私が
Darlin', Darlin' あの日のキッス 忘れたふりするなら
Darlin', Darlin' 横顔はもうあきた こっち向いて

だって祈ったもん 想いが届きますようにって祈ったもん...

Darlin', Darlin' ここに来て 見えるでしょう 私が
Darlin', Darlin' あの日のキッス 忘れたふりするなら
Darlin', Darlin' もしかして私の思い過ごしかな?

ほら あなたが歩いてきた

Darlin', Darlin', can I come close to you?
and can I talk to you?
Darlin', Darlin', can I hope you love me?
but if you say NO! I will love you.

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